Monday 30 April 2018

Martial arts for children – why is it worth considering?

Martial arts have recently gained very high popularity and a large group of supporters. In many cases people who are not more interested in the subject, treat martial arts as a discipline that causes more injuries than football - nothing more wrong.
Here are the reasons why your child should attend martial arts classes:
1) Physical activity and the possibility of using energy
Today's style of life does not force us to physical activity... We spend more and more time sitting down, whether at work or at home in front of the TV screen or computer monitor, but we need to remembered that children should have at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day! Martial arts classes can be one of the way of providing it for our kid.
2) General physical development
Martial arts for children, contrary to appearances, are a discipline in which the trainings are very diverse, and thus offer a much larger range of general development exercises. The curricula contain mainly exercises with their own body weight that have a very good effect on the child's muscle development, posture stabilization and correction. Stretching affects flexibility. Joints subjected to low loads, while working in the natural range of movement, have a chance to develop in order to serve us as long as possible.
3) Reigning us with our body
In addition to the general development of physical fitness, martial arts for children also teach the ability to control their own bodies, but also aggression. It's not about teaching a child how to hurt someone. Martial arts are mostly used to defend yourself and your own health as well as others. People who persistently train martial arts are usually balanced people and self-confident.
4) Psychological development
It turns out that in martial arts, as in other sports, e.g. in dance, the learning of positions, techniques, formal arrangements or naming is a perfect exercise of memory or abstract thinking.
5) Learning respect for others
In addition to work on remembering or abstract thinking, martial arts can also be developed from a different angle. Namely, they are often associated with discipline. This is quite a strong term, but it really focuses on a few issues such as ceremonial (punctuality, focus, compliance with rules in the classroom and consistency) or respect for the teacher (which translates into respect for parents or teachers at school).
6) Working in a group
This is certainly a very important skill nowadays, especially useful in life. In class, children do not exercise alone. They usually function in their group, participate in team games (during warm-up). Practicing in pairs help each other in learning techniques, see how they affect the other person, are able to control their strength and are taught respect for the other person.
7) Systematic work leads to success
Classes usually take place at the same times and places. Hence the learning of regularity by timely (and punctual) appearing in class. Regularity is also found in exercises, where the child learns by repeating exercises regularly, thus improving his technique.
8) Spending time usefuly
Of course, it is important to balance and find time both for learning, movement, working on your character, as well as for fun or just moments of laziness. Classes spent on the mat are able to give the child much more real interaction than the time spent at the computer or phone.
Will you let your child practice martial art?

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