Friday 21 April 2017

Play tic-tac-toe during p.e. classes!

Tic-tac-toe (also known as noughts and crosses or Xs and Os) is a perfect sport game that teaches players strategic thinking, teamwork and forces them to make really quick decisions.

Divide children into two teams consisted of 4 players each (it is also possible to play with more or less players). Every team gets 3 bags of rice. You can use different equipment like for example colourful stones or plastic blocks. Teams stay at the start line. 10 meters further set the space in a 3x3 grid with using 9 rims to hula-hop. 

The team which succeeds in placing three of their bags in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row wins the game. 

At the starting signal first players from both teams run to the grid, put the bag with rice in a desired ring and come back to their teams. Next players can start after touching the hand of previous players. When third players won't succeed, next players can remove bags on the grid as long as it is needed. 

You can set up the rules, that children have to play to 5 wins. You'll see that when you have to hurry this simple game is not so simple.

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