Friday, 3 March 2017

Simple fun episode 5: Shadow tag

Do you want to have fun, but you don’t have a lot of “sports stuff” lying around? In these series, we will present you games that can be played with nothing else than a marked field, sunshine and good mood!

Step 1: think about the limits of your playing field. You can use chalk to draw a field, or just play on a sports field, using half a volleyball/basketball/handball/football court. Or maybe just the the 6 meters zone or 9 meters zone from a handball field. More players means you need a bigger court. The important thing is that the court is flat, without obstacles and with marked boundaries on all sides.

Step 2: use a counting game or any other means of choosing somebody to be „it”. Then start the game. 

Step 3: the player who is „it” needs to step on the shadows of the other players. The other players need to avoid “it” without getting outside the court (“it” can step outside the court if he/she wants to). If “it” steps on their shadow, they become „it” as well and try to step on the other players’ shadows. 

Step 4: the last player remaining who is not “it” is the winner of the game.

Step 5: the first player who had his/hers shadow stepped on is going to be “it” for the next round.

You have to constantly be aware of your shadow, so your eyes will be on the ground most of the time, but be careful not to bump in other players and injure yourself while you are running!

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